Jane Street
A first opportunity to blip this piece of street art in Jane Street without the cars parked in front of it that one finds during the week.
I woke up disgustingly early, around 4am, and could not get back to sleep. As a consequence, and perhaps for other reasons as well such as really just needing a rest, I’ve been pretty sleepy today. Settled in my chair after breakfast I could easily have snoozed, but luckily we persuaded ourselves to go out for a morning walk, down to the Blue Bridge and back to see what, if anything had changed (a few bits and pieces relating to the tram works, basically, and some progress on the Blue Bridge walkways). I picked up some grasses and cow parsley from the riverbank to add to yesterday’s posy. Whilst we were out, we ran into MrFT, and enjoyed a first in person chat since before the pandemic (I think) and exchanged photos from morning walks with Barrioboy and Digitaldaze in Barcelona. On the way back up the stairs, we came across our neighbour who has been quite involved in the whole saga of the lift, and he told us that the works will not start for another three months (!), but will then “only” last six weeks. Christmas basically. Aside from that news, it was an enjoyable wander and I felt much better when I got back. I popped out on the balcony and sorted out a trough of sweet Williams for next year, which had only partially germinated. I’ve spread them out across the trough. Hopefully they won’t throw a wobbly as a result of my interference.
That kept me going until after lunch when I did a peloton workout, but since then I’ve been pretty snoozy again, without actually dropping off. I finished my current book (Seating Arrangements) and started the next one for Book Group (Ghost Wall). The latter appears to be a short read. I also purchased Emily St John Mandel’s new book Sea of Tranquility, after massively enjoying Station Eleven over the New Year. We have a week’s holiday coming up, and I plan to read it then. I treated myself to a day off work. After all, it was the so-called day of rest.
The last few days have felt a bit discombobulating, what with flying out on a Saturday and back on a Friday, and Thursday being a holiday in Italy and Thursday and Friday being bank holidays in the UK (although plenty of my colleagues were still working and I had meetings on Thursday), plus all the shenanigans with the platinum jubilee, which I’ve largely tried to ignore. This was the first restful weekend we’ve had in ages, and boy did I need it! Anyway, a busy week lies ahead.
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