Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The last day at Hay

Well for this year anyway. We actually started off by going to look at some accommodation for next year, about five miles from the festival site. Really nice, we’ve provisionally booked it.

A damp rather than wet day. Low clouds over the Brecon Beacons. Spent ages in The Electric sheltering from the weather and having a chilled Sunday; morning coffee turned into early lunch. I love hanging out in nice places, drinking and eating and people watching.

So this is Jonathan Freedland, well known journalist and novelist. He has written what sounds like a rather brilliant book about one of the very few people to escape from Auschwitz with the intention of providing intelligence about the death camps to Churchill and Roosevelt. At the book signing he told TSM that she looked familiar and it turned out they were at the same primary school within a year or two of each other. Wonderful stuff. They even shared stories about one of the teachers who was prone to bullying. Memories endure - a theme of the event …

Went to another sobering war correspondent session as well. Horrendous stories of women raped in war zones. Why is it that one half of the human species thinks it has the right to use the other half in such terrible ways?

Good journey home although exhausting. Been a great festival. Again. Check out the final album https://photos.app.goo.gl/STsvmfUyQtMvEaao9

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