PICNIC in the PARK??
Oh no, it wasn't to be ? But what a great day I've had.1st I went to My daughter's church where there was not 1 thing to celebrate but 3
# Whit Sunday - Pentecost
# Patronal festival
# the 4th day of the Platinum Jubilee
After which we were supposed to have a picnic in the garden, alas the weather thought other wise! So we had the school hall of St John's primary school. Such a lovely social occasion finishing up with entertainment by The Chanty Group, wow what wonderful voices with renditions of sea chanties.
A Big thank you for all who organised this .
I then went down to k & A for dinner such a great day.THANK YOU ALL.
I'm now watching the recording of the Jubilee Parade, what a fabulous display.
Do hope all have had a great Sunday
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