My Restless Lens

By terri365

05 June 2022 - More Weeds!

Geriatric Boy managed another 3 miles this morning but he still thinks he's a young whipper snapper so we only did one walk today - he was a bit stechie this afternoon!  However, some good news is that I haven't had nappies on him either today or yesterday (except overnight) and we've had no dribbles so I believe the medication is working.

After this morning walk I did my physio exercises as the gym ball arrived yesterday.  Who knew I would end up in fits of giggles???  The exercises come with videos of how to do the exercises - but no instructions on how to get yourself positioned on the ball (without rolling off) in preparation for the exercise... I could not stop laughing at my lack of balance!  It's harder than it looks.

Coffee and breakfast in the garden then I spent a few hours updating my website.  I had a 1-2-1 recently through a programme called Digital Boost and although the person who helped me with the marketing side of things, I still feel uncomfortable with the expressions she was using.  I get the whole marketing side of things but if you look at any architects websites, the images are the selling point, not the words.  So, I have toned down her words a bit...  And I will look at other websites to get ideas...

An hour in the garden weeding, resulted in finishing the rear garden.  Apart from the bit at the back which has been left to grow a bit wild.  Might just leave it like that and deal with it at the end of summer...

Then a couple of hours in the Kitchen making soup, vegan meatballs (ready made) in a tomato sauce (home made) and cookies. Yum!

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