Success on the DVD Recorder/Player front.
After yesterday's blip I had a message from my lovely friend CumbriaLass to say that she knew someone in Barrow who would be able to help and that he was very knowledgeable and helpful. The company has been in Barrow for 40 years, set up by his Dad I believe.
Anyway I checked on Google and up he pops - with a good website and everything. Now why on earth when I was Googlign before looking for DVD Recorder Retailers AND TV Retailers did he not come up. The only ones they gave me were Curry's, Amazon and Argos!!!
So I phoned him this morning, he instantly knew my exact model of both TV and Recorder, even though they were both pretty old. He could explain to me what is available at the moment, which isn't a lot. He could also explain what they all did and helped me with selecting somethig that would suit.
He will be delivering it tomorrow and installing it all for us. Whoooppeee - someone that provides a proper service. So we pay a bit more for the installation, but then to be quite honest it would cost us at least £30 to go back into Barrow and back out again.
He does have a very small shop but not really anything worth going to Barrow to browse around. But we don't need it as the avaiability is limited we just want one that works.
Hubby's been up the allotment, I've been catching up on all your blips, the sun is shining, Mr Blackbird is singing his heart out and we've had success - GREAT DAY.
That is all for today, do take care and stay safe and I will see you all tomorrow.
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