The Day After

Believe me it was a struggle for all of us to get up this morning for Joshua's rugby.

The first guest yesterday arrived at around 11:00, the last arrived at 11:30pm, the last guest left around 01:00 this morning, fourteen hours of a party!!

The top photo shows the U12's during pre-match training today, it was always going to be hard going playing against an opposition that included some U12's who were 5' 10" tall and in all probability shaved!! Joshua was pleased as his some of his cousins and a nephew came to see him play.

Home and everything tidied and put away, the house resembles a Sailor Jerry/Morgans Spiced bottling plant, many thanks to you all for the gifts. The bottom photo shows the once again clean and clear back garden. What it doesn't show is the 90+ empty beer/lager bottles, 40+ empty cans, the empty Skinners 20 pint barrel and the assorted empty spirit bottles.
We set off for a walk that was to include a sandwich or snack but instead we went straight to Events Square where I enjoyed a 20oz Rib-Eye steak as my Birthday Lunch (we have so much on during the day itself we will probably end up grabbing a sandwich). Following a coffee and some live music we are all now safely home tucked up ready for an early night.

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