To make some honey just for me.
I have been exceptionally industrious tonight.
I got home from work about 530 and set about cutting the front grass. That wasn't enough for me.... I strimmed the edges too.
then I went to the back door, and cut the lawn there too.... and strimmed it.
Then I stomped about in a bad mood for a while, because Gousto hadn't delivered and it was AFTER 7PM. I was STARVING. (and exhausted).
Eventually after what seemed like hours, it turned up at 716pm. Just as I had decided to go for a fish supper .
I behaved myself - and cooked the shortest menu. Mushroom Ravioli with Smoked Bacon Cream Alfredo. It was supreme. I had to cook - Himself was glued to the football.
Also - He fell tonight, while manouvering furniture. I knew nothing about it til he appeared outside, announcing "i nearly killed myself".
Bloody hell, I have examined his nipples in detail and they are fine.
He will live another day. The cracked ribs, broken wrist and twisted ankle, might cause a little issue (I'M JOKING - HE IS FINE). He was able to swear all the way through the football. If it was that bad he'd have me running him to A&E,.
In other news. Whilst he was moving the furniture he discovered the box of Shoes which Tooli announced we had thrown out in her absence (believe me, we would NEVER throw anything out of Tooli's without her express permission). What confused me is, that it was under the bed. There wasn't that much UNDER the bed, she couldn't have done her usual forensic examination of her room before she declared us guilty.
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