
By TinyR

Wishing Tree

Today, we went back to Tribeca for breakfast. We just couldn't resist the lure of the loveliness and as we sat outside waiting for our table, we decided that we would come back for breakfast at least once each time Panther comes to visit. It's nice to have things that can be yours, for you to do together and not with other people. I had the pancakes again and a delicious Snow Blizzard drink. I'm still coming down from all the sugar. I don't think I'll eat for a week! It was worth it though, especially given the company.

When we were on our way back from breakfast, I suggested that we head to the Burrell Collection in Pollok Park. In a previous life, on his only trip to Glasgow prior to meeting me, Panther had actually visited the Burrell Collection so it seemed like something we should do. After wandering around the gallery, I told him about the Wishing Tree, so we went off to find it. The Wishing Tree (Pollok Beech) is really unusual in shape, with a few different theories for why it looks the way it does. I like the idea that it was hit by lightning. The Wishing Tree gets its name because people tie things to it and as they do, they make wishes. The only thing in my bag I had to tie to the tree was the handle from the bag we were given the gift shop, so we tore it off and I tied it to the tree. How long does it take for these wish things to come true?

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