
By CreativeCarol

So just throw it!

Fiona loves the water, balls, and more balls. She is a true water dog and will swim for hours. Ever since we went in the spa last Friday night, she has been on high alert!

While my husband and I were getting changed out of our church clothes this morning, we were discussing our plans for the rest of the day and Fiona was listening!

"You can say any fool thing to a dog, and the dog will give you this look that says, `My God, you're RIGHT! I NEVER would've thought of that!'" ~ Dave Barry

Dave was planning on when he would pick my Dad up to go to the Tampa Bay Ray's Game this afternoon and I was planning on relaxing by reading outside by the pool and maybe taking a much needed nap. Fiona's ears perked up at the word "Pool" and she drove me crazy until I changed into my swimming suit and headed outside. After throwing the ball for her to retrieve about a dozen times, she finally slowed down and I did yet a little R & R.

Hope everyone has had a great weekend. I really enjoyed catching up on everyone's blips!

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