Rained on.

Woke very late to a wet morning.  I watered the front garden last night and was going to do the back today but no need.  Pottered for ages and had just got out the shower when the phone rang.  It was a very apologetic Margaret.  I had no idea why until she revealed that we had been meeting for lunch at Muircot yesterday and she had forgotten.  I, of course, had forgotten too so we were both relieved and had a good laugh and chat.  By the time I hung up breakfast had merged into lunch and the birds were agitating for food.  Rowan appeared on the window ledge so I presume parenting duties are over.  I had planned to do things in the garden but there was plenty to do inside,  none of which got done.  After some garden photography I lazed around doing puzzles, reading and browsing self-catering.  Not looking that seriously but you never know.

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