
Sorry, a bit boring, but I've been too busy to think of photography.

Had a trip into Milton Keynes, I haven't been to the shopping centre for a long time. It wasn't busy, and a little sad to see several shops closed up. It was always such a vibrant shopping centre, no matter on which day of the week you went. The shops seemed low on stocks and choices too.

I'm always in awe when I see magazines with sofas covered in cushions, seemingly random, yet they look good. I've never been able to get that 'look'. Today though I am quite pleased with my selection for the garden room. Looks like the 'in' colour is mustard and teal, two of my favourites. And, having just come back from the coast, I just loved the seascape one.

Then a call into IKEA, a shop that's good to browse for ideas, but a nightmare to go in for specific items! I found what I was looking for, plus a few extras (as is the usual case!)

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