I’m back Blipping!!

I have blipped about 5 back blips today. Internet and reception are good! Today the weather was a bit showery however we didn’t get wet! We started off with the best breakfast ever at the farm shop and cafe by the campsite. We then made our way to Buckfast Abbey. It’s a stunning place and everything is free! There are still monks living in the adjoining monastery. The gardens are beautiful. We then drove up on Dartmoor to Princetown. Hubby had done a bike ride from there 7 years ago with our sons. It’s great having the campervan as we were able to stop, boil a kettle and have a lovely coffee and Eccles cake at about 2.30pm. After the breakfast we had we didn’t need lunch. See some in extras of breakfast and farm shop. Moving on tomorrow but not sure where yet. Will decide this evening. Enjoy my back blips…..if you want to see what I’ve been up to!!!

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