A WOW Moment!

Well look who dropped in for a drink this morning.  It was a freezing start to the day and the bird baths were iced over but it didn’t deter this wonderful Yellow Tailed Black Cockatoo from having a drink.  When it first appeared it was sitting on top of the Buddha.  Mauzee had only placed it there a few days ago so we were pretty thrilled to think it was happy about the situation.  Not sure how Buddha was feeling though :). I have added an extra image which is well worth having a look at.  You can see the bird is doing its best to get a drink under very difficult circumstances.  

It really is freezing today and having just check my weather app I can report that it’s advising me that it’s currently 3 degrees Celscius but “feels like -6.2 degrees”. There not wrong there.  We have just had our third delivery of firewood in 5 months.  That’s unbelievable really and we still have a long winter ahead.  

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