Food, Travel and Whimsey

By Fetch

Banana Bread

Technically banana walnut and sultana bread.
I know a bad workman blames his tools but I think my oven may be playing up a little as it was a little overdone.
The texture was wrong too. It came out light and fluffy when I'd expect banana bread to be a little more dense.

as always these are approximate
200g self raising flour
160g caster sugar
175g stork (other vegetable fats are available)
2 eggs
1 tsp salt
1 tsp mace
2 tsp baking powder
400g banana (about 3)
I creamed the sugar and fat together until light and fluffy. Beat in the eggs. Added together the flour, salt, mace, baking powder and folded into the butter/egg mix. Added in the mashed bananas, walnut and sultanas.
And then stirred in buttermilk to make a loose-ish batter.
All the recipes I read say to bake for an hour at 180°C for about an hour.
However as I suspect my oven runs hot I'd put it in at 160°C and when I checked on it after 40 minutes it was looking a bit 'well fired'.
Tasted OK though.

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