Explore, Dream, Discover

By Snowcycle

A Quiet Day

Two late nights, so I'm glad I'm not returning to the UK today. A day to chill out. At least breakfast is available until 11, I manage to get a breakfast and a morning coffee. My son-in-law made it with 3 minutes to spare, so no hot breakfast, but the continental hadn't been cleared away.

I have a quiet walk around a small pond in the hotel grounds. Twin 1 has decided to go back to bed (insisting it nothing to do with the Polish strength vodka). There is a smaller family gathering for lunch, then it's to room of last night's reception area to get a two bottles of vodka. Guests are supposed to be given a bottle when they leave the reception, but I think everyone was having a lot of fun, and the handing out of vodka was forgotten about.. 

Later on, twin 2 and I go for a longer walk to the woods near the hotel. There are some very dark clouds, but we are lucky and we miss the rain. Sunshine and black clouds. Very quiet, just the sound of birds, including a cuckoo.

In the evening, we head in to Łódź to get a meal, in the end we end up at a Mexican restaurant. After, the youngsters head to a bar, where as I head back to the hotel. No weddings tonight, the hotel is getting ready for a business conference.

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