Buzzy, stingy, honey bees.

The man Human went away fishing for the day so it was an early rise, to take him to the bus. We didn't have to go far as he was picked up at the end of the road. The ladies took Dan to the market for a wander about. Apparently he has forgotten some of his manners and was out for a social lesson. I went with my pick up but just sat in the sun. We had another lamb today and one last night so there are five sheep left but we are starting to think that two of these might not be in lamb.

The blip is of our honey bees. I love honey but don't really like the bees as they buzz about and sometimes try to sting. They are in the bird bath for water as this time of year they need loads of water to make their lovely honey. Like their reflections in the water, Luv Ginnie Xx.

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