Swirly Pink

AW pointed this out to me.  It is growing near our waterfront.  Not directly next to it, so not in the water, but in the general area.  He says it's called 'Duizend Schoon' in Dutch, which literally translates into 'Thousand Clean' or 'Thousand Beautiful', which sounds out of this world.

The usuals, and in the afternoon he and I took a walk, partly to pick up his regular meds, and partly to look for the house where a friend of ours used to live, but that was more than 20 years ago, so we no longer know, and it no longer matters.  We did do some reminiscing while we looked.  Later in the afternoon, I filled up the tank, as there will be a long drive if the weather forecast for the weekend proves to be correct, and then drove to town to pick up some takeaway from our favourite wok 'restaurant'.

In the meantime, tomorrow..... Son and Rani are getting married!  It will be an afternoon-to-evening affair, and I hope for their sakes that, after two years of having to postpone it, the weather gods will bless them.

Thanks for the hearts and stars yesterday!  You are all so, so kind.

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