
By DancingAly


All gussied up and ready for Ballroom today! I was pleased with how my make up and hair turned out today , certainly felt elegant! The Max Factor foundation was a winner - thanks mum! The first thing my partner said to me was. " your make up looks beautiful" :-)

I had an amazing day. I made the semi-finals and finished 13th! Better than last year when I came 21st. The Winter Gardens is such a lovely ballroom to dance in. Huge lights from the ceiling- in fact they were all I saw as I whizzed round in my Viennese waltz. I thoroughly enjoyed every second of dancing, and woke up Sunday and everything ached! I knew my headline was the best I've ever done it as it hurt to turn my head today!

Very long day, finished late and too tired too eat before it all starts again tomorrow. Had a sandwich and a drink at the bar at the hotel with friends- I think we all deserved it :-)

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