Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR

My space

A photo of the almost finished screen porch. We went this morning to get the ceiling fan with an LED light and I found brown outdoor rugs for $25 each! I had to get two to fit the room. Jerry will put the fan up when he gets to it in the next few days ( or later today!)

The red rug will be removed as soon as I find something similar to place in front of the door going into the house. Something for wet feet. Maybe just a welcome mat. The plastic table covers are mostly to keep dust and any water off the tables (if it ever rains again!). I will replace those when I find something. Maybe a print shower curtain?

It is hard to find green anything in decor.

I had a pile of flower shots for today but wanted to share my space!

The tin roof goes up tomorrow. Hoping the man can get it finished in one day. Jerry will have all the old roofing off tonight so it will be ready for Brandon to put up the tin. Keep your fingers crossed no problems happen.

I love the room but I am so ready for this to be completed. Amazing that we did not even get divorced during this construction project! There is no other work to be done on the house! Amen!

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