Skiving off

I took the afternoon off to go to the Garden Show in Stansted House.  It was a bit disappointing, the range of plants not much more interesting than the average garden centre, nor much cheaper and a lot of hideous garden ‘art’.  There was a bit of brocante, and I hesitated too long wondering whether to buy a vintage water butt on wheels as we inevitably had at Catherington as children but by the time I got back it had been snapped up.  

I also met the former head gardener from Selbourne which was interesting as he offered consultancies in helping establish yellow rattle - apparently hard to get started.  He was selling potted up self seeders and a few sold from seed and his son was selling home grown chillis.  I didn’t want the latter but bought some small Lutea Foxgloves which I like. 

Feeling a bit guilty I set to with a lot of emails and a US call when I got back so didn’t stop until quite late. 

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