Windmill or Lighthouse?

Another lovely sunny and warm day, with some clouds passing over.  It's been fairly breezy at times.  

Up early, and headed into Potter Heigham for a walk after breakfast.  When we got back, we headed off up the Broads, arriving in Wroxham, where we turned and headed back again.  Stopped off at a random bank for lunch.  We steamed most of the afternoon, but with a barge caught on the bottom of the river, we had to change out direction, taking us to Sutton for the night.  A fine walk around the village, and found a shop, and will try a pint in the local later. 

As you steam around the Broads, there's plenty of things that catch your eye.  The most common buildings if been seeing are the old windmills.  Traditionally they would have been for grinding corn, but some seem to have been for power to pump water, which I assume they would have been converted.  More recently you can see ones that have been converted into holiday homes, which almost resemble lighthouses, like this one.  Taken along the River Bure banks, near Decoy Broad, Norfolk.  

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