What 3 words

Out on a walk today we came across a group of lads - possibly D of E - all in a bit of a panic. They came running to us asking where we were. Turns out one of them had accidentally stabbed himself in his arm. Not quite sure what a 14 year old was doing with a knife but wasn't for me to ask.

I suggested they called an ambulance as there was evidence of blood under his cloth!

Ambulance control asked for the What3words grid reference. Luckily I had it on my phone and could give them the words almost instantly.

The boys said their group leader was just down the road so we left them to it but in hindsight I wish I had stayed with them until the ambulance had arrived given their age.

So.... can I recommend everyone dowload the app as you never know when you might need it!!!!

In other news,I posted on a Facebook group that I was after pottery studio equipment and with in the hour, I had a message from someone in Bracknell looking to sell their studio as they are relocating to Singapore in October. Sounds interesting...... watch this space!!!

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