Harris Hawk

We spent two mornings with Raptors, predominately Harris Hawks and Crested Caracaras.  This hawk is looking rather fierce but most of the time it just looks annoyed, because it is constantly harassed by a relentless marauding Mockingbird. The mockingbird divebombs the hawk's back over and over, rarely taking a break and it goes on for hours. I have included a shot of that in extras.  I have also included a shot of two Caracara's perched together.  

I still have hundreds of photos to go through and it will take me a while.  I haven't even had a chance to look at the Rattlesnake photos.  Ultimately I will load the best of the trip into an album in Flickr and post a link here for anyone who might be interested.   All in all it was such a wonderful experience and I had so much fun with Debbi and Wendy.  So many laughs!

backblipped 6-11-2022

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