
By Mindseye

Nerve jangling Jenga

First of sll, thank you so much for all birthday wishes, sorry Ive not been around much this week, it has been hectic!

Worked most of Wednesday, drove over to Harrogate Thursday, to my best friends mums funeral :-( then working yesterday, but it was a good morning, then out for lunch with my quizzing team mates.

Today i met up with daughter, who has just returned from our timeshare in Tenerife…. an emotional week for her meeting all the people we associate with who knew her dad. She did enjoy herself though, they were well looked after.

Daughter drove me and Em to her brothers new place, where we met up with him and his two eldest girls, the little ones were with their mum today. The six of us had a good catch up, walked to the pub for some lunch and back again.

You can see how son, his girls and cousin Em spent the remainder of the afternoon….. it was very entertaining watching them all struggle and assume it would not get around to them for another turn for at least 3 rounds, before it finally fell under sons hand lol

Spent the evening not doing much, watched the boring England game, made myself a light snack for tea. Just contemplating putting in my whitening gum shields but its probably a bit late for a two hour stint starting now at almost 11pm !

Meeting up with fellow blipper Beewriter tomorrow for a catch up :-)

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