By Suzyell


Did do something today.
Went for a 2 miler round the lanes with Ruben and finished where we started - at the pub. So a drink was in order. I had wine - a can be seen. Rob had a pint of Harveys. Literally 2 drinks and it came to £14.50 FFS. When we got home I looked up the wine I'd had. The pub was charging £28 a bottle. A wine merchant was charging £14 and Tescos have it on their shelves for £7.50. Bearing in mind that the pub would be getting it wholesale that's a fucking ridiculous mark up. I don't care if you're pub has been shut for a year due to covid, that mark up is obscene. So next time we go, I'll have a bottle in the car, bought from Tesco's and we can order a pint of Harveys and a glass of tap water. 

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