What a day

Left home at ten past eight and got to site at half past six. We did stop three times for walks, coffee and food. Weather was odd, sun shine and really warm and then heavy rain.
Hetty was not happy when she realised she could no longer sit on my knee and that she had a new seat between the driver and passenger seat, not quite as high as sitting on my knee but safer for both of us. She has always been restrained but I realised that if the airbag activated it could cause serious damage, so she is safer next to me,
The site is nice, in a Victorian walled garden. Unfortunately it only stopped raining long enough for me to take Hetty for a walk while hubby filled van with water.
Dinner was late and now I plan to watch something on my iPad. Wifi is good on site but once we get on Mull there is no wifi or phone signal on the farm site we are using so may not be able to post until we leave.
Daughter sent a photo of seven week old grandson off to his first cricket match at Trent Bridge, he slept through most of his time there.

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