Self service Dreamies

When I gave Suki the Dreamie mouse, she wasn’t bothered. I tried to show her how to get the treats, but she ignored it. 

I thought nothing more of it, until I saw her nudging the toy from the tv stand. She managed to get it onto the floor and she set about playing.

She’s a very quiet cat. Furbie would greet me in the morning with a miaowed “hello”. Ok, she was a “talking tortie” as a friend described her. Suki makes subtle sounds perhaps when she’s watching pigeons but that’s been about it.

This morning she managed to get shut in the room where my seedlings are. Furbie was a wrecker of these so I’ve been careful. I didn’t realise Suki had gone exploring and I was about to go out when I heard her miaow. 

Surprised, I followed the sound and she gratefully ran back to her window ledge. 

She’s a great communicator but she doesn’t waste feline words…..

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