PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

Snakes Alive!

Let me first explain the title ... this is only the fourth or so snake I have seen alive since being in Tam Dao, mostly I come across them freshly squished on the side of the road :( So I couldn't believe my luck this afternoon.

It's been a long day. I got in to Vinh Yen train station at 5am this morning. My taxi driver had the time wrong and took about half an hour to get to me, meanwhile I had to fend off the local taxi drivers, with repeated no's and annoyed looks, they didn't really get the hint... So I had barely a half hour lie down on my bed (oh so soft in comparison to the rock hard 'soft' sleeper!) before getting up for work, which kept me busy the entire day, I didn't even get a lunch break today as we had multiple small animals to see and treat. So I left work on my bike at 5:45 heading up the hill towards home, on my way to discharge our little amputee dog from last week, wallowing at my lack of blip opportunities when, low and behold, I almost run over this snake! So excited. Jumped off the bike, grabbed my camera and started snapping. Damn it ... not a single shot was properly in focus ... guess it kinda matches how my day has been!

No sleep for me just yet, I have to head back to work in an hour and half for the cubbies late night feed... I should complain I get to bottle feed my babies! But gee I am tired!

Yesterday's backblip here :)

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