Summer is here.

My walk this morning was pass the Ship Inn,unable to walk further on being a rather large lorry dropping a delivery off at the new build.i turned back and walked along the other side of the harbour pass the Town clock above the beach.took the road to Peverel Terrace where I sat awhile overlooking the .harbour. then along came David who went to the same school as me.we chatted about when we were growing up and how different it is today.his son took over his building business and funeral business. He was mentioning about how many of our school friends have we have to take each day has it comes how right he is.he just been to the fish shop to buy crab he said enough for two sandwiches £11.i said I noticed on the other side of the harbour Dan Dan the lobster man is charging £14.50 for one sandwich. Not long after we were married H caught a crab had to drop it alive in boiling seemed so cruel it put me off eating crab.

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