Mrs Evil Goat

By MrsEvilgoat

They're flying! 

This made my day after a very sad start to the week. I heard that beautiful Archie who we walk had to be PTS suddenly. He had a tumour on his spleen and it burst. It really threw me. I couldn't focus on getting ready for work, getting the kids out of the house. I was just a blubbering mess thinking how can he just be gone?! Another beautiful soul gone too soon. I couldn't lift my mood all day. I was going through all our customers thinking how many are getting on a bit now and worrying how I'm going to cope with losing them and wondering if it's worth the heartache and maybe I should just get a normal job. 

I ended up leaving the house and forgetting all the customers keys not realising till I was 15 mins away at the yard. I was already late for a mega busy day. I had a bit of a meltdown! I lost half an hour trekking back to get the keys and didn't start my first walk (of 3) till gone 11. 

Anyway I got back home in time for a quick brew before taking Toby to tennis. Eva really wanted to ride so we got Jack in quickly. I was surprised when she described the jump she wanted me to put up for her as it's much bigger than she normally does. So proud of how far she's come from refusing to even go over a pole on the floor. As you can see he leapt it and she looked so good.

Finished the day with a yoga session then more Stranger Things. 

Extra pic of Archie only taken about a month ago :0(

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