Common Enchantments

By MaryElizaR


This morning at 6am when I got up it was already 80F but the skies looked a little gray as in rain. Maybe. I fixed my coffee and sat out on the porch as I figured it was going to be the coolest part of the day. I turned the fan on medium speed and enjoyed an hour of reading and coffee. Still cloudy. Yeah!

I made breakfast and ate. Hopped in the car to drive to the vet ( just 2 miles away) to pick up meds for Gypsy. While checking out we saw a flash of lightning and heard a big thunder boom. All of us in the vets office were excited to hear that! As I got in the car it started raining ...and I mean buckets of rain all the way home. I did not mind getting wet as I went from the car to the porch.

It rained hard for over an hour which kept the temperature lower than expected. As well as much lightning and thunder so I did get to sit outside. After the rain I went out looking for water drops for a Tiny Tuesday blip but to my surprise this dahlia had opened. I know it was not opened this morning. Rain water works magic!

The clouds are keeping the temperature at 75 for now instead of the expected 102F. I love it when the weather people get it wrong! It is only noon so it still might get hot but so far it is pleasant.

The brown grass is looking greener.


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