I wanna tell you a story......
Many years ago, Mrs DD and I got married.
The day after our wedding, we set out, car loaded with camping gear, for our honeymoon under canvas in N. Wales.
The hostelry in the top photo was where we stopped for a quick bite on what was the old A5 just outside of Shrewsbury - about the half way point in our journey.
Being a man, it was not far down the road before I needed a leak, so pulled in just over a cattle grid to do the necessary behind a farmers hedge.
And that is as far as we got for the next three hours due to a puncture, a ruined spare tyre which had looked good when we bought the car, and a rotten sill on our knackered old Austin 1300.
We arrived at our campsite, far later than planned only to find that it was nowhere near as nice as when we had seen it at the beginning of the season. So we moved the next day.
The rest of the holiday was great. Must have been as we are still together after all these years.
The hostelry below makes number eight of my mini-series, both shots taken while out on a ride today following the bike's first service.
A grey day as you can see with quite a strong wind to cycle against. And someone had knocked the front end of my car when I got back to it.
No details left of course!
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