Declaration of Arbroath

Through the lock gates and into that nice inner harbour at Arbroath. In plenty time to have a look round the Abbey. It’s closed. “During a condition check, we identified a potential risk of danger from falling masonry that needs to be explored further.” Good stuff. Don’t we hate risk. The post office here still has a one way system and masked attendants. As did the the Abbey’s visitor centre. Made me feel much safer.

Looking at the town is sobering though - the council have made big efforts along the waterfront but behind that it’s obvious there’s no money here any longer. Superdrug holds on in the high street. The other buildings are empty or charity shops. Once fine buildings sprout buddleia from their frontages and chimneys. Huge Edwardian windows rot three floors above ground behind rusting grids. And no one knows how to fix it. No one. Maybe just let it all fall down. But stand well clear; I guess we wouldn’t like anyone to get hurt.

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