Laboscope app

All present and correct with regular cats and birds yesterday and this morning...except for one bird, Mr Blackbird. There was a female blackbird chasing him the last few days, but no sight of Mr Blackbird yesterday, or this morning. I wonder what the female blackbird who was chasing him did to him...will he be back like a bad penny?

Midnight looks more and more at home in the garden. He was finding new places to get out of the sun yesterday, and at one point I couldn't find him. Panic alert. Then I found him in some dappled sunshine. It was a very good disguise.

I was researching yesterday how to get those matted bits of fur out. I found a different kind of comb/brush that gets the matts out of pedigree cats with long fur. I have ordered it and am going to try it. There are a lot more matted bits of fur next to his skin, that I cannot see, but I can feel.

Creative today is a combination of a photo of a postcard I am sending, and the stamps on the other side in Laboscope, kaleidoscope app. There are certain stamps you have to use up by January 2023. It's mostly the Machin Definitives stamps, the Queen's head stamps. But I had an awful lot of them, because they are the make up postage stamps to the value I needed to send postcards with Postcrossing. I just bought a few at a time each time I was at the Post Office, and they soon mounted up the last 3 years, but now they need using up, and I have to get the barcoded stamps after Xmas this year. So this means that some postcards I send have up to 18 stamps on them. Not much room for address or message. Anyway, the recipients are delighted they have so many stamps on the postcards I send. They don't know I am simply using up my stamps that will be obsolete come this Xmas. So, that was an unintended consequence. Now, I have started making patterns on the envelopes and postcards with all these stamps...

Time for another cuppa.

Have fun today.

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