
Back blipping this is in 2022. We are pretty sure that when Orla was bed-ridden for a day in Carlton that she had Covid. She had a fever and then a persistent cough. This was before we knew anything about 'Coronavirus' as it was first known and before it had really started to spread, almost three months before the first lockdown. Mum had been to a Christmas party in London with colleagues from all around the world attending and had picked up an extremely persistent cough. Then Orla was sick over new year. Then Dad got it in January and completely knocked him out for three days with a fever then an awful cough. It is incredibly lucky that she didn't pass it on to Grandma or Grandad. However, she did pass it on to two of our friends, one of whom passed it on to their Mum who was really sick, but thankfully recovered.

It seems crazy now after all the testing and the self isolating that Orla was up and coughing everywhere on New Year's Eve, even staying up to see in the new decade.

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