The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm

The Woodland Garden (Monday 13th June 2022)

The first appearance of fungi in the Woodland Garden, probably mushroom, possibly from the organic peat-free compost used in the whisky barrel where it was found.

Wednesday 15.6.2022 (1555 hr)

Blip #3683 (#3433 + 250 archived blips taken 27.8.1960-18.3.2010)
Consecutive Blip #002
Blips/Extras In 2022 #120/265 + #049/100 Extras
Day #4464 (1036 gaps from 26.3.2010)
LOTD #2826 (#2666 + 160 in archived blips)

Taken with Pentax K-50 (White) and Pentax D FA Macro 100mm F2.8 WR prime lens

Old Forge series
Woodland Garden
Macro series

Woodland Garden (June 2022) (so far; newest first)

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Can - Mushroom (1971)

One Year Ago:
The Woodland Garden (Goldfinch)

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