Washing up (?!)

This one has been out of sorts for a day or two.  Woke up this morning super early, said he was too hot and didn't really go back to sleep after 5.30.  At breakfast he said he was cold, when I collected him he had a jumper on (it's been super hot today!).  Came home and got under a blanket and nearly fell asleep, having requested a hot chocolate.  I laced it with paracetamol (as he refuses to take any medicines), hey presto - within an hour he was up and doing the washing up of his own accord! 

Down hill a bit at bed time and was out like a light after reading really beautifully. 

My new phone arrived today, cue the stress of changing everything onto a new phone, which ended up being quite easy despite some choice words in the process. 

Today I'm grateful for: 
Lunchtime walk with the husband in the sunshine 
The eldest perking up a little bit
The youngest getting the washing off the line and taking it upstairs (not sure what is going on with my children this evening!!!) 

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