Hangingstone Morning
Although it was a long working day yesterday I woke up very alert at just after six this morning. I feel like I'm short on sleep at the moment but it was soon obvious that it was one of those days when drifting off again was just not going to happen. I guess there is a lot in my head to think about at the moment. So, aware that I'd be working late, I took the opportunity to have a walk on the moor before getting the train in to the office. If I could only get to bed earlier I could see myself doing this every day. When I'm running I tend to stick to a standard set of routes which I could just about navigate blindfold. When I'm walking, however, I often find myself wandering off piste, so to speak, discovering new things and different viewpoints. This is the art and joy of bimbling.
The sunlight was delicately milky first thing, barely casting a shadow at all. I could see the potential in this shot but, even with the sun muted, it's taken more processing than I would like to get the mood right. The perfectionist in me wants to spend longer on it and remove the artifacts, but the emerging pragmatist in me is saying it's good enough for the journal. This is the moment I want to remember for today and how I want it envisioned. A very great many of my blips have been taken around the hill opposite, which I tend to call Hangingstone Hill, both in the pines on the left and around Crocodile Rock which I've blipped many times from below. This is taken from across Backstone Beck looking due East. I'm very lucky indeed that this is only barely more than a ten minute brisk walk from home.
I'm blipping and straight back to work. Still just a bit to finish off before I can get home. Thanks so much to all of you for the great reception to yesterday's couple of bollards, old cobbles and a bit of dodgy pavement. A bit of evening light surely does weave a transformative magic.
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