Stublick Chimney ...
... ... near Langley - this 300ft (100m) chimney was an important part of the Langley Lead Smelting Mill located near Langley Garden Station, a mile away to the west. The Mill was built by Greenwich Hospital in 1768 to allow retired seamen to smelt lead carried from the mines on Alston Moor. Because the fumes where so dangerous in the location of the smelter, an arched horizontal flue, partly underground, was constructed in 1802. The flue was extended several times, rebuilt to its final size (7ft by 5ft) and the Stublick Chimney completed after 1859 after a pay dispute by the local mason, Nicholas White of Catton. A steam powered condenser was installed before 1865 -
And, playing on Radio Sandhoe today: Bruce Springsteen - Valentine's Day
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