Bay of Ireland (Day 2598)

Back to working on my own today and the first job was dealing with a leaking hot water cylinder. My initial look pointed towards the immersion element being the cause of the leak, however when I drained the cylinder (which took aaaaaages) I found a couple of problems inside the cylinder. A new cylinder won't be available until Tuesday.
Home for lunch, then out for a wander with my beautiful wife and Sigyn. It was very windy, but dry and sunny.
A bit later as HV headed off to work, I made my way to Stenness to sort out a float valve, then visited my new boiler customer to answer a couple of questions about the boiler.
I made the best of the dry weather by getting along to Mum and Dad's to get their grass cut.
The best news of the day was that HV isn't actually working today.

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