My Restless Lens

By terri365

17 June 2022 - Cantharis Livida

I think this is a Cantharis Livida - I thought it was a soldier beetle like one I posted a couple of weeks ago but another Blipper suggested it was this instead.  There are loads in the garden this year.

Still sore from the Physio visit but it's my legs more than my back!  I reached for the Ibuprofen tonight.

The afternoon saw a visit to the vet to get Aonghus's renal data checked.  All looking good but more blood in his pee so she's asked me to flush him rather than put him on yet more antibiotics and we'll keep an eye on him.

His blood pressure has also come down even more so that's good too.  He is a bit overweight though so we've to lose a bit.  She has recognised though that it's hard to keep him in range as some days he just doesn't want to walk and I am trying to balance his food with the amount of exercise  but I'm clearly losing!  I may try and introduce some more veg into his diet...

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