
By janin

After work

Today was really a bizarre day. all our appointments turned out to fail, and in the end, i could finish work at 5 p.m. (instead of 9 p.m. as intended). all the better so :)
my car was parked near the park behind the administration building. the park is really a fine one, and - once everyone has left - it's a very peaceful place. so instead of leaving rightaway, i stayed for a while and took the time to breathe and cool down before driving home.
i took out the camera and waited, and i took pictures of the birds. (Sorry janis, not you today, even after having you model for quite a while ;) ).

i liked this one, it was quite patient and i had plenty of time to follow up on it.

so, here is an afterwork blip of a busy birdie in a peaceful park. hope you like it as much as i do. ;)

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