Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Pregnant Sky

The picture does not convey the ethereal quality of the light.

The full and foreboding sky, grey with honeyed tones and a sepia filter. Like a storm is about to be given birth to and the earth will be cleansed.

Part of me longs for a storm complete with thunder and lightning and the joyous sound of rain, the other part would like it to stay dry and hopes the wind doesn't pick up any more as I have a pile of leaves etc that I have raked up in the garden.

Appointment with the asthma nurse went well, she was one that listened and is happy that I don't have asthma just me getting inhalers every so often will trigger the appointment. I can deal with that, it's the nurses that decide that I am in denial that annoy me er I think I know if I have asthma or not grrr.

Today I managed some time in the garden, truth be told I did too much and this afternoon was me on the sofa wrapped up in blankies and about as much as I could manage was to answer simple questions like 'do you want tea' and watch a syfy movie that required no real cognitive function.

Must try and pace a bit better for the rest of the week.

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