Forest gym

Today we did a hiking tour. The trail we chose started so beautifully and well. A kilometer of walking on a ridge between two lakes. 
Extra: But then the misery began. Criss-crossing the trail were the pines. It became an obstacle course. After another bit we came up with a diversion of the trail. And it led us straight into a swamp! We turned back to the mikado on the ridge. We climbed, crawled and jumped, went down the ridge to get around the windfalls and then up the ridge again so as not to get lost. Two kilometers of trail across the ridge turned into six kilometers with all detours. And all the while, the mosquitoes were making all the bare skin for their dinner table. In the end, we managed to get to a rest area for much needed rest and fika. 
Second extra: The last two kilometres were easy to walk. Now I hope that today's gym workouts in the forest have made me a few pounds lighter.

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