
I had an easy morning with a coffee or two and my book on the sofa - quite glad I'd not set the alarm to get up early for the train down to The Borders after all...the wind was blowing hard and from the 'wrong' direction, it would have been a total slog for the most part.

Went out for the afternoon down to The Meldons and came back via Romanno Bridge, West Linton and Penicuik - a favourite route, it's not so hard and the second half of it at least had some tailwind. I put any struggles in the first half down to my post-Covid respiratory system - legs felt good, lungs a bit gasping at times!

My other half has gone away down South for the weekend. I dutifully shopped for fizzy pop and ice cream treats for the girls, made us all pizzas and then we all watched Bohemian Rhapsody for the evenings entertainment. Very likeable.

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