
As you can see I'm back in Budapest after a great weekend in Wales. Weather this evening was 20 degrees and for the first time this year shorts weather :-)

This was taken from my favourite spot in Budapest. The tourists are back in the city and it's getting busier but they don't know this place so I get it to myself :-)

I took a similar one from here in January and wanted to come up with the 5D3 to see what I could do with this. I think the clarity is better, but I made a schoolboy error, I used a compact flash card bought this afternoon from heathrow but had no way of downloading the images to my iPad or laptop when I got back :-) luckily a neighbour came to the rescue she downloaded the pics to her laptop and sent them to my iPad. Tomorrow I hunt for a card reader :-)

Eric thanks you for throwing him into the spotlight yesterday and for the heart, stars and lovely comments

I hope you're Monday was a good one :-)

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