Wound up in Wexford

By Neatwithice

Cat on the fence

Meet Ozzie - the youngest of the cats living next door.  From Tequila's second litter (she was only supposed to have one litter, but got pregnant again before she could be "done").  He's adorably fluffy.

I spotted him this morning on the fence outside our kitchen window - when I first saw him, he was gazing up in to the tree with a vigorously twitching tail - bird or squirrel?  As you can tell, he then spotted me taking photos, and departed quite soon after.

W spent more time clearing the old sealant, and I then helped by cleaning with some white spirit.  Tomorrow - new sealant.

I spent a couple of hours playing on the computer, putting some of the many houses we are thinking of viewing on our next trip to Ireland into "My Maps" so that we can try and make a logical order.  We are considering houses from Donegal in the north to Wexford in the south, and as far west as Kerry!  So very spread out.  

And then I spent a couple of hours in the studio, making progress on my cranky quilt.

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