Lime flowers

Linden tree in German I think! These flowers smell delightful and while waiting for the bus we stand underneath them! Hell for people who suffer from hay fever so I have been told!

Noticed it on the way to church this morning for the licensing service of our curate who has been upgraded to team vicar. The bishop of plymouth, who used to be our vicar, was there to conduct the licensing and there was a presentation to him and his wife after the service as it was his last episcopal visit with us before his retirement. He is to take the position of high sheriff of Devon for a year so he was presented with a ten gallon hat and a sheriffs badge, tongue in cheek!

I had been invited out to lunch which was a delightful salad and was rather rushed as we had to get back for a falklands memorial service at 15.00. We had to sing the Falklands hymn which was really heart wrenching and the bishop was there for that service as well so he did double duty in the pulpit. Two very different sermons, both perfect for the occasion which was being commemorated.

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