LA9 to CA95010 and back..

By LA9toCA95010

Track Meet No 1

Today was R's first track meet after school. Her school track team have been training for a few weeks and the meet was a competition between about eight of the local schools.

R and her friend were so nervous beforehand. R's first event was the 100m sprint, and her heat had several false starts, which didn't help. She fell. Aside from the nasty scrapes to ankle, knee and elbow, there was the damage to pride and the effort involved in not crying in front of your friends. (Who are all, I have to say, and will probably say again, lovely kids.)

Then there's the effort of not running across the track to your kid to hug her, because you know that's the last thing she'll want in public....

Anyway. The pictures. Man, it's hard to take photos of fast-moving kids. J tells me it's because I don't have the right equipment. Which I think is a typical man response. But probably true.

The early morning beach, with attractive trees, slight mist, pier, eerie ship and handy birds is so much easier.

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