My friend, Amy, who is originally from Hong Kong, but who now lives in Swindon, was interested to hear about the Community Fridge when we went out for a meal with her and her husband, Garry, a couple of weeks ago and said she would like to help.  She messaged me first thing this morning to say she could come today so I was pleased.  

When I got there, Heather said that there were lots of carrots in plastic bags that were in need of some TLC, so Amy and I set to and with some good teamwork, made them look much better.  The sooner we start using paper bags or stop using single-use plastic, the better.  

Julie came into the kitchen to cut some boxes of eggs in half - so that there were more to go round, so I took the opportunity to ask them both if I could take a shot of them for today’s Blip and they were both happy to oblige.  

It was very busy today, particularly in the café as several people are away on holiday, but we all worked together as a team and it was a great morning.  Amy must have enjoyed it because she said she will come back next week!  There were three ladies from the Council visiting today, doing a survey about how people used their smartphones, if they had them and other internet-related questions and they all said what a lovely atmosphere there was in the building. 

I managed to speak to several people in between jobs and remembered their names - now I need to remember what they told me this week, so that I can chat about it with them when they come next week.

Didn’t get on quite as well when I called into Aldi on the way home.  I didn’t have a pound coin to get a trolley and when I went into the store, they were most unhelpful.  A young man told me I would have to buy something small and get some change, but the queues were long and I was tired, so despite speaking to a Manager, who told me I could use a basket instead, which I told him I couldn’t do because I had a bad neck, I walked out in the end without doing any shopping;  their loss!  Reminder to self : always leave at least one pound coin in the car!

Thank you again for your kind comments, stars and hearts for yesterday’s dereliction - I’m going to try and comment a bit later, but I need to rest first.

“Give freely to the world these gifts 
     of love and compassion;
          do not concern yourself 
               with how much 
you receive in return, 
     just know in your heart 
          it will be returned.”
Steve Maraboli : Life, the Truth, and Being Free

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